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Welcome to the Arlington High School Cross Country team!  The 2024 season is upon us and it is time to start thinking about our goals for this year.  While we certainly want to be competitive in the Middlesex League, our primary concern is that you achieve your own running/personal fitness goals for the 2024 season.  In light of this, we ask that you identify your goals and consistently refer back to them as the season progresses.  We are very excited for the season and value your participation in the sport.  We also invite all family members to attend our meets.  The more Spy Ponders, the better!



The team will convene near the AHS track Monday through Friday (Varsity practices Sundays as well) at 3:15 p.m.  Practice typically lasts 2 hours.  See the calendar for preseason and/or early season practice schedules as they may differ from the regular season.  Practice and meets will rarely, if ever, be cancelled due to the weather.



Team Leaders

Head Coach: Kevin Richardson, 



We measure success by the overall health of our team.  When a runner is healthy, only then can he realize his potential as a runner. That said, running health can generally be attributed to two things: balance and dedication to the sport of running. We achieve balance by proper training, to include core workouts, plyometrics, and various running routines.  Balance also includes proper nutrition – ensuring that we supply our bodies with a balanced diet of carbohydrates, protein, and fruits.  Carbohydrates (pasta, rice, beans, foods with oats or grains, etc.) are an essential energy source prior to a run/race.  Proteins (chicken, turkey, lean red meats, etc.) are especially effective in assisting muscle recovery post run/race.  It is also important that a runner balance recovery, i.e. sleep and down-time, with training, academics, social, and most importantly, family life. If an athlete is punctual, prepared, and committed to our rigorous training regimen, he will undoubtedly succeed as a runner.   



Every runner should be punctual to both practice (3:15-5:15 p.m., Mon-Fri,  9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., Sundays - for Varsity) and meets (4:00 p.m. generally Tuesdays, see FAQs below for more info.).  Both JV and Varsity runners are expected to attend all meets, including preseason, invitationals, and league meets.  Preseason practice is MANDATORY for all runners.  If you have a scheduling conflict, you should contact a coach well before the date that you will be absent.  This is particularly true if you know that you will be missing a preseason practice earlier well in advance of that time.  Failure to do so will result in a runner's expulsion from the team.  Please refer to the following information regarding our attendance policies:


Attendance Policies

  • You MUST email your Coach by 12PM, cc' a parent, and state the reason for your absence.

  • We will only accept emails with parents cc'd regarding excused absences.  Emails from runners about oversleeping, forgetting about practice, getting called into work, etc. will not be entertained.

  • Do not use a teammate as your messenger regarding your tardiness or absence.

  • Please plan well in advance when scheduling after-school appointments. Try your best to avoid scheduling appointments during practice and meets. If you must schedule a doctor's appointment, please bring a note.

  • Athletes that are not able to participate for physical reasons must see the trainer to be treated. After seeing the Athletic Trainer you must bring a note and check in with your Coach at practice on that day.

  • ​late once without a note from teacher/parent = warning/reprimand

  • late twice without a note from teacher/parent = sit out next meet

  • late three times without a note from teacher/parent = demotion from varsity, sit out additional meet

  • absent from practice without a note from teacher/parent = expelled from the team

  • absent from a meet without a note from teacher/parent = expelled from the team


Excused Absences/Tardies Include the Following:

- family emergency (confirmed by parent)

- absence from school (parents called in and you were absent all day from school) 

- religious observation

- extra help sessions with a teacher


Unexcused Absences/Tardies Include the Following:

- part-time jobs

- missing practice or a meet due to attending a club

- private music/sport instruction

- missing practice, or arriving late without a teacher's note


Every runner should respect his team members, as well as the students, athletes, teachers, and community members of Arlington. Discrimination, slander, or intimidation of any kind is unacceptable.  Any runner who is reported as having acted contrary to this policy, whether it be during practice, during school hours, during a school event, or on social media will be suspended from the team.  Suspensions from school, whether it be during the season or in the off season, will result in a suspension from the team.  Furthermore, if any runner violates Arlington High School's substance abuse policies, they will be indefinitely expelled from the team.



Our team is coached by three seasoned runners who have coached runners of all ability levels, including national champions.  Additionally, JV trains 5 days a week and varsity trains 6 days a week for a total of two hours or more each day.  For this reason, runners should not need to seek any additional training or instruction outside of scheduled practices.  Therefore, private coaching is NOT permitted for any reason.  Any runners who feel the need to be privately coached will be asked to resign from the team in order to do so.  Please refer to the training link for more information regarding team training. 



Running is a very strenuous sport, especially when you are pushing yourself beyond the point of comfort.  In order to run/exercise comfortably and stay healthy, you need to eat at least 3 meals per day.  If you typically skip breakfast, for instance, you should very seriously consider adding it to your morning routine.  If you already eat 3 meals per day, you should consider adding snacks in between meals such as granola bars, fruit, Clif bars, Power Bars, nuts, a half-sandwich, etc.  If you neglect your dietary needs, your body will begin to break down and you will be more susceptible to injury. 


       If you remember anything, remember these tips:


Because you will be burning anywhere from 500-700 calories per day (in addition to the calories you burn in school), you will need to consume a large number of calories throughout the day.  That means that you might need a mid morning snack, as well as a snack immediately after school.  Granola bars, Power Bars, Clif Bars, trail mix, a peanut butter and banana sandwich, crackers, etc. would all suffice.


Carbohydrates are your friends (grain pasta, steamed or boiled rice, potatoes, fruits, starchy vegetables, and whole grain breads)!​

Hydration is essential - you should be drinking at least 32oz of water per day (1 large bottle/Nalgene).  Carry a water bottle around with you at all times.  If you do, you will never be without a drink!


Your body needs sleep in order to recover from the day (both your muscles and your mind).  Most scientists agree that sleep is equally as important as eating to a person’s health.  Running demands that you call on energy that is reserved in your body and mind.  If you don’t rest properly, you won’t have any reserves.



How do I register?


Eligibility requirements, as outlined in the handbook, include:

  • Academic eligibility, carrying/passing 20 credits at all times

  • Physical within 13 months of the current date

  • Completion of impact testing every 2 years 

  • NFHS Concussion Course completed annually 

  • Completed promissory note and athletic fees payment (credit card or check)

  • Register here.


How often does the team compete?

The team competes weekly, usually on Tuesdays unless we are competing in an invitational, league, regional, or state meet.  Invitationals, regionals, and state meets take place on Saturdays.  An Invitational is a Saturday competition that includes schools from all around New England. These meets may have as many as 200 runners in each race.  We will occasionally compete in these events.  League meets take place on Mondays.  Both JV and varsity will compete separately in every weekly meet, including invitationals.  Only varsity will compete in regional and state meets.  Racing surfaces vary from paved to trail and everything in between.  Although coaches now try to clear courses of as much 'natural' debris as possible, it is not unusual for runners to encounter mud, overgrown paths, rocky steps, etc.  Our home course is the McClennen Park, mapped for 3.1 miles.


How is a cross-country meet scored?

Please see this link.


How is an invitational scored?

Basically the same scoring system applies, but the numbers are much larger. If Arlington finishes 10th, 20th, 25th, 30th, and 90th place its total would be 175 points. Arlington would win if they have the lowest score of all the schools competing. In this case they most likely won’t win because of the large gap between the 30th and 90th places. A successful team will have 5 runners who are close together and also place among the top tier runners.


What equipment will I need?

The only real equipment a runner needs is a quality pair of running shoes for training. A specialty running store will be able to provide the proper shoes.  We recommend Marathon Sports.  If you mention that you are a member of the team, you will get a 10-15% discount.   If you wait until our "Spike Night", held during the first week of practice, you will receive 20% off all gear, including clothes!  We would also suggest a pair of running spikes for racing (but this is not mandatory). These are lightweight shoes with small screw spikes in them for traction. These can be found at a specialty running store as well.


How much running will I be doing?

We will always gradually introduce runners into the program. The toughest part of the season for new runners is the first few weeks. We spend most of the early season training sessions monitoring the new runners. Some runners tend to adjust to the sport more quickly than others. The most important part of coaching distance runners is the ability to determine what each athlete can or can not handle for work. Some runners can handle 6-10 miles a day while others can only handle 3 or 4 miles.  Please see the JV Summer Training Schedule located in the training link.


What about injuries?

Cross Country frequently incurs more injuries than any other high school sport. It is a very stressful sport on the body. That said, it is very important that each runner communicates with the coach if he has any type of injury. We will then monitor and evaluate his training. Sometimes a few days of rest may be necessary, other times the runner may need to visit a specialist.  We recommend, however, that our runners see the team trainer first.


Are the meets or practices canceled because of rain?

Practices are very rarely canceled.  Practices are only canceled when an administrator at the school cancels them.  However, the meets during the week can be canceled because of inclement weather. The weekend meets are rain or shine no matter what the weather conditions. More substantial weather events, such as hurricanes and blizzards, would warrant a cancellation.


Can I drive home with my parents from away meets?

Yes, we do allow parents to transport their child home from away meets at the conclusion of the event. School policy does not allow students to transport themselves to and from athletic events, however.


How do I make the Varsity team?

The Top 10 runners on the team (determined by race times) are considered Varsity. The athletes race against each other during the preseason as well as the regular season.  During this time, we record their running times.  As the season progresses, the runners are ranked according to their times.  These averages determine which runners will attend the divisional - and possibly the state - meet at the end of the season.  A runner's health, general attitude, and a strict adherence to the AXC tenets and training program are also considered when determining varsity eligibility.  If a runner competes in 3 varsity races, they will receive a varsity letter.



  Please see our terms link for more information.

1914 Cross Country Team

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